2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CEDUC 3550 Disability Studies

This interdisciplinary course will encourage students to critically view representations of disability in art, literature and popular culture from a social justice lens. Through discussions, readings, viewings, and participation in community spaces/events, this course will familiarize students with the field of Disability Studies. We will examine the lived experiences of children and adults who have disabilities, and their families, from the disability rights movement to current economic and educational inequalities. Students will come away with an understanding of how disability and disabled people are omnipresent in our society, classrooms, places of work, and communities, and come to view disability as part of the natural human experience within a global culture.




A grade of C+ or higher in CEDUC 1352; A grade of C+ or higher in CEDUC 2360 for Middle School Education; English, History and Political Science majors