2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CMATH 2522 Mathematics of Contemporary Issues of Power and Inequity

Mathematics of Contemporary Issues of Power and Inequity will critically examine a variety of problems in our world through a statistical lens. We will use data science to bring an important perspective to contemporary issues with the goal of promoting more nuanced understanding, enhanced social awareness, informed decision-making, and effective civic action.  The topics we deal with in Mathematics of Contemporary Issues will vary by semester based on current events. 

Each week we will examine a different topic, focusing on historical data and context, current statistics, graphs and charts, and media reports from across the political spectrum. We will keep track of sources of news and research, and learn which ones tend to be credible, and which ones may be misleading and why.  Students will learn about basic inferential statistics techniques that provide the foundation for much of the information we encounter every day. Students will be expected to work independently to gather background research on course topics, examine arguments made from differing perspectives, and be prepared to present and discuss information gathered on those topics.  All students will participate in a project that involves and in-class presentation along with a paper.  Beyond class work, students will be encouraged to take community action, write a position paper, and/or make a presentation outside of class.




CMATH 1520 OR CMATH 1522 OR CMGMT 2550 OR CSOCS 3444 OR CPSYC 3441, OR AP Statistics.