2024-2025 Graduate Academic Catalog

IGRST 6201 Graduate Independent Studio Project IV

All students work in their local community in their own studios with a local Artist Mentor who has expertise in the student's media. Occasionally students elect to travel to work with an artist who does not reside in the student's local area. The Artist Mentor is a practicing artist or teacher for whom the student has an affinity. This mentor must be approved by Lesley. The student, in conjunction with their MFA Faculty Advisor at Lesley, devises a scope of work to be accomplished over the course of the semester. The Artist Mentor then meets with the student at least once a month, for a minimum of 4 times over the semester, to discuss the student's progress. The Faculty Advisor is in close contact with the student and the mentor to facilitate this relationship. Over the course of the semester, the Artist Mentor sends the program a mid-term evaluation which is shared with the student. At the close of the semester, the Artist Mentor submits a Final Evaluation to the program which is also shared with the student. These evaluations are used to help the student understand the strengths and weaknesses of the studio project for the semester. For each residency the student brings the work that was produced over the course of the previous semester for critique, discussion, and grading. The student is expected to devote 20 hours per week to studio work. All grades are pass/fail.
