2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Articulation Agreements

Students who come to Lesley University through dual enrollment programs or an articulation agreement must satisfy various course requirements as described in each specific plan of study / agreement. More information about dual enrollment programs and articulation agreements is available from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Current articulation agreements are listed below.

Community College Articulation Agreements

Bristol County Community College

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

Bunker Hill Community College

  • AA, Business Transfer Option to BS, Business
  • AA, English to BA, Creative Writing
  • AA, English, Creative Writing Option to BA, Creative Writing
  • AS, Early Childhood Development Studies to BS, Early Childhood Studies (non-licensure)

  • AA, Liberal Arts to BA, Liberal Studies

  • AA, Psychology to BA, Psychology

  • AS, Visual Design to BFA, Graphic Design

  • AS, Visual Design to BFA, Interactive Design

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

Housatonic Community College

  • AS, Graphic Design to BFA, Graphic Design

Middlesex Community College

  • AS, Graphic Design to BFA, Graphic Design

  • AS, Studio Art to BFA, Graphic Design

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

Massasoit Community College

  • AA, Emergent Technologies (Visual Arts, Graphic Design Option) to BFA in Graphic or Interactive Design

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

North Shore Community College

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

Quincy College

  • General Associate Degree Articulation agreement (see Lesley.edu for any individual program pathways)

Quinsagamond Community College

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

Roxbury Community College

  • MassGuarantee Associate Degrees: general education foundation to Lesley general education lower division foundation

Urban College of Boston

  • AA, Early Education to BS, Early Childhood Studies (non-licensure)

Organization Articulation Agreements - Learning Recognition Evaluation (LRE)

Lesley is in the process of developing a Learning Recognition Evaluation (LRE) process that will allow students who have engaged in certain learning experiences through outside organizations to earn Lesley credits. Learning experiences will be pre-evaluated and approved by Lesley faculty for Lesley credit.

Current agreements are listed below:

  • The Loop Lab (https://www.thelooplab.org/) and Lesley College of Art + Design
    Contact: Ingrid Stobbe, Assistant Professor, Digital Filmmaking, IStobbe@Lesley.edu

Lesley College of Art + Design and The Loop Lab entered into an agreement for Lesley University to award 30 prior learning assessment credits in Digital Filmmaking for a student(s) who: 1) has received a certificate of completion from The Loop Lab's full program, consisting of 800+ hours and 2) has enrolled at Lesley College Art + Design to complete a BFA degree in the Digital Filmmaking major.

  • Yoga Teacher Certification Credential. Students who have earned the 200-hour Yoga Teaching Credential can submit the certificate to their advisor and the Department Chair of Psychology to be approved for 13 transfer credits.