2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CCRWT 2800 Art and Craft of Poetry and Fiction

Geared to the student who loves writing and reading, this course teaches the art and craft of poetry and fiction. By studying and practicing those elements that comprise the two genres, students will gain a fuller understanding of the nature of poetry and short stories, and they will engage in a deeper connection with their own writing of the form. Students who choose to write poetry at the beginning of the semester will write poetry; students who registered to write fiction, will work in that genre.

This course provides a critical audience for a student’s work. The focus of this class is the student’s writing; therefore, their attendance and active participation are crucial to the process. Students will be required to write 3 poems or 3 stories and revise them over the course of the semester and reflect on them critically in midterm and final projects. Revision is necessary; if you believe your work is fine as-is, and refuse to change it, then this is not the class for you. Creative writing can be critiqued and assigned value in a larger context. It is not beyond judgment. It is a process of uncovering, and students are invited to actively participate in this process. Students will be encouraged to imitate other authors while also excavating their own voice. Additionally, students will develop a critical language for critiquing their own work and the work of others. This will be accomplished through poem and story analyses and rigorous in-class writing and workshopping. I expect you to bring spontaneous and studied ideas, questions, and challenges to the foreground. Spirited discussions and disagreements are encouraged, as you invest in the process of your own learning. Progress is rewarded, as is authentic risk-taking. It’s a given that these activities will be grounded in a spirit of respect, tact, and generosity.

Students MAY take this course twice with a different genre focus




3 credits of CCRWT courses