2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CCRWT 3800 Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction

This course focuses on the advanced craft of two different genres: poetry and fiction. Students will work in the genre for which they chose at the beginning of the semester. This is a workshop course that concentrates on writing poetry and fiction and provides a critical audience for a student’s work. The primary focus of this class is your writing; therefore, your attendance and active participation are crucial to the process. This course will be rigorous and will require organization of your time.

Revision is necessary—if you believe your work is fine as-is, and refuse to change it, this is not the class for you. If you are not willing to see this as a class and try new techniques with your work, techniques that may not be your preferred way to write, then this class is not for you.

Because this class is advanced, we will not cover rudimentary aspects of poetry and fiction. If you do not have experience in the genre in which you’re writing, then you should consider first taking the art and craft course in your chosen genre.




Six credits of CCRWT courses