2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

CNSCI 2204 The Art and Science of Living in a Natural Place

Engaging in a 10 day field excursion (with pre/post research online), students are introduced to The Art and Science of living in a Natural Place, within a rural, rustic field station context and methodology of conservation. Through an interdisciplinary lens of  art (both contemporary and cultural) and science (descriptive and hypothesis driven) within the context of  place, students will investigate local wild aquatic and terrestrial communities, research related projects, and propose a potential scientific study of the relationships and an artist design to highlight the issue to a wider community.  Students will experience the coastal Maine landscape as an important place to learn about the environment through local landscapes and outdoor living; engage in stewardship through a local service project; and increase their cultural competence through community experiences of resiliency within the intercoastal zone of Maine.
