2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Early Childhood Studies - Bachelor of Science (Non-Licensure Program; Community College Partnerships)*

The Lesley University bachelor’s degree programs at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) and Urban College of Boston are designed for students who have completed an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Development to successfully transition into Lesley University’s Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Studies program. Students will primarily take face-to-face courses with Lesley faculty on site at the community colleges but will also have the flexibility of selecting online or Cambridge based courses for elective and general education credit. Students will also take courses (face to face or online) leading to Lesley’s Child Homelessness Initiative Certificate (considered a minor within the Early Childhood Studies major).


Early Childhood Major Courses (24 credits)

CEDUC 2712Writing for Educators


CEDUC 3360Learning Environments for Infants and Toddlers


CEDUC 3373Developmental Experiences in Mathematics and Science


CEDUC 3420Language Arts, Social Studies and Technology


CEDUC 4358Administration and Leadership in Programs Providing Early Care and Education


CEDUC 4580Enhancing Quality Early Childhood Programs: A Field Experience


CEDUC 3395Literature for Children


CPSYC 2437Equity & Inclusion for Children with Disabilities


CEDUC 3395 and CPSYC 2437 are required unless taken as part of an associate degree

Minor: Child Homelessness Certificate (15 Credits)**

CPSYC 2421Introduction to Counseling


CPSYC 2402Child Homelessness


CPSYC 3407Critical Issues in Infancy


CPSYC 3422Trauma and Crisis


CSOCS 3050Parenting Resilience


General Education/Electives

Students will be required to complete Lesley’s general education curriculum (through transfer or courses taken at Lesley) and any remaining electives in order to earn the required 120 credits for the bachelor’s degree. Students will select electives in conjunction with an advisor.

*An Associate degree in early childhood education is a requirement for admission.

**The minor may be waived for students for whom completing would require credits in excess of the required 120. Permission from the Department Chair is required.