2016-2017 Student Handbook

Student Voting

The University encourages you to make your voice heard by getting informed and getting out to vote.

Each state has a different date that your registration information must be in, to qualify you to vote in that state. As a college student, you have the option of registering to vote in your home district or in the district that your college/university is located in. You can go to rockthevote.org and click register to vote to see the registration deadlines in your home district.

The University’s tradition has been to hold voter registration drives leading up to key mid-term and presidential elections to assist our un-registered students in their efforts to get registered. To help with the voter registration process, we will also mail all collected registration forms.

If you think you will have a hard time getting to your home district to vote:

  • You may request an absentee ballot from the town clerk in your home district. MA residents can use the following link to request an absentee ballot (http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleifv/howabs.htm)
  • Students wanting to vote in other states should follow the same instruction to request an absentee ballot. How can I apply for an absentee ballot? Apply in writing to your city or town clerk or election commission and include your: name, address as registered, ward and precinct (if you know them, address where you wish the absentee ballot sent, and your signature.
  • Contact Dean Mays (nmays@lesley.edu) or Mike Fox (mfox5@lesley.edu) for assistance with the absentee ballot request or any other registration or voting questions.