2016-2017 Student Handbook

Work Opportunities

Office of Financial Aid (Student Financial Services)

University Hall, 1815 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd Floor
617.349.8667 Fax


Employment programs offer students the opportunity to work part time and earn a paycheck every two weeks. Pay scales vary according to job classifications and are listed with the job postings.

Federal Work Study Program (FWSP): Students who applied for financial aid consideration may have been awarded Federal Work Study as part of their financial aid award – please check your financial aid award letter or go to the LOIS website to confirm your eligibility. This program provides part time employment on campus or at nearby off-campus sites for eligible students. Students are given the opportunity to choose jobs which meet their interests, relate to their course of study, and fit in with available free time. Earnings through FWSP are taxable income.

Lesley Works Program (LWP): Students who have not applied for aid or who did not receive Federal Work Study are still eligible to obtain on-campus employment at Lesley. Job listings can be found on the Office of Financial Aid website listed above. Earnings through the LWP are taxable.

International Student Services
On-Campus Employment for F-1 students
7 Mellen Street
F-1 students are welcome to work on-campus through the Lesley Works program.  International Students can work up to 20 hours per week during the Fall and Spring Semester, and can work full-time during summer and official school breaks. Contact the Office of Financial Aid to obtain the paperwork necessary to complete for on-campus employment.


Career Resource Center
Off-Campus Student Employment
Doble Hall, 4th Floor
Part-time, off-campus student employment listings, summer opportunities and professional job listings are included in Lesley Career Connection (LCC), an online, one-stop resource for Lesley University students and alumni. For information on how to register, go to www.lesley.edu/crc and click on Lesley Career Connection. Questions? crcjobs@lesley.edu

International Student Services
Off-Campus Employment for F-1 students

7 Mellen Street

Off-Campus work authorization for F-1 students is complex to obtain, and is not always available. F-1 students must have authorization before starting any type of off-campus employment, including internships, fieldwork, practicums, and co-ops. Please contact us, visit our website, or come to a monthly employment workshop to learn how you can work in the US.  Applying for work authorization can take months—we recommend you learn about your options early so you can plan in advance!