2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

Classroom Observation

The Classroom Observation component of faculty evaluation is valued in particular because of its emphasis on improving the quality of teaching. An observation is undertaken a minimum of one time in the faculty member's contract cycle. The observation includes a pre- and post-observation meeting, an in-class visit to the faculty member's class, and a review of the syllabus and course materials.

The Classroom Observation is performed by the academic supervisors or their designees. A designee may be appointed to alleviate the workload of the academic supervisor or to meet a faculty member's need to work with a person with expertise in his/her field. While the selection of the observer remains with the academic supervisor, the supervisor is strongly encouraged to discuss the selection of the observer with the faculty member and attempt to find a designee acceptable to both parties.

The pre-class meeting involves a review of the course, including its goals and objectives, the syllabus, and the course materials. The intent of the pre-observation meeting is to discuss both parties' expectations about the observation. Both parties are encouraged to view the meeting as a way to share information and to develop, as much as possible, a collegial relationship related to the Classroom Observation process.

The observer should ask the faculty member whether there is anything in particular on which the faculty member would like feedback, and the faculty member should feel free to ask for constructive and supportive suggestions about any aspect of the class, including:

  • suggestions about how to work with a particular student or group of students;
  • advice regarding an unproductive dynamic or situation;
  • changes in the syllabus; etc.

The class visit is then scheduled to take place at the convenience of the supervisor or designee and the faculty member.

The faculty member should inform the academic supervisor or designee what level of participation in the class would be most appropriate. It is also suggested that the class be notified in advance of an observation. Under most circumstances, the observation should be minimally one hour in length.

The academic supervisor or designee and faculty member should discuss the visit as soon as possible after the class meeting. The post-observation meeting is most effective when the session encourages interaction between the observer and faculty member.

The Classroom Observation Summary Form should be completed by the academic supervisor or designee within two weeks of the class meeting. Descriptive information about the class and the faculty member should be briefly written by the academic supervisor or designee to include but not be limited to comments on the subject matter, methods, effectiveness of presentation, student participation and observed strengths. Any aspect of teaching that the academic supervisor/designee feels the faculty member should improve should also be mentioned. Under most circumstances, the academic supervisor or designee writes approximately one page of documentation of the Classroom Observation.

When completed, the Classroom Observation Summary Form is sent by the academic supervisor or designee to the faculty member. The faculty member must sign the form and also has the option of writing, on a separate page, any corrections, elaboration, or disagreements. This should take place within one week of receipt of the Summary Form. The faculty member's signature acknowledges he or she has reviewed the Classroom Observation Summary Form and that the academic supervisor has shown the attached documentation (if any) of the Classroom Observation to the faculty member. The faculty member's signature does not indicate that the faculty member agrees or disagrees with the results of the evaluation.

The Classroom Observation component of faculty evaluation should be completed during the spring semester prior to the year in which the faculty member's contract expires. It must be completed prior to the academic assessment meeting.