2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

Peer Review

Peer Review by faculty is a valued component of the Faculty Evaluation process that is intended to contribute to the faculty member's professional development. Faculty from related fields of study can provide as peer reviewers a perspective on the faculty member that might otherwise be lacking. The focus of Peer Review is on the professional growth and development of the faculty member being evaluated. The Peer Review component supplements but does not replace other components of the faculty evaluation process.

The Faculty of the University recommended that the procedures for Peer Review be left open to the discussion and mutual agreement of the individual faculty member and his or her academic supervisor. For this reason, no guidelines about content or process of Peer Review are included here. Peer Review may address all or any of the various components of evaluation.

Peer Review takes place before the end of the spring semester of the year in advance of the faculty member's expiration of contract date. Peer Review should be initiated by the faculty member two months before the due date for the Peer Review summary.