2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

Conference Presentation and Moderation Travel Grants

Lesley University encourages faculty to present at and moderate professional meetings and conferences that are consistent with the interests and activities of individual faculty members and the mission of the University. Funds are intended for core faculty who are presenting a paper or are moderating in a way that includes a substantive contribution to the proceedings.  

An Individual Professional Fund has been established for each core faculty member to use during the 2019-2020 academic year.  There is no application required, and funds are disbursed as reimbursements via a Dynamic Form, "Individual Faculty PD Reimbursements" at lesley.edu/faculty-staff/provost/dynamic-forms-for-faculty.

If these professional development funds have been exhausted, individuals may apply for funding through the Faculty Life and Development Committee, who will seek to provide support through the allocation of Small and Large Grants and Travel Grants.   The total amount of money available for travel each academic year will vary, dependent upon the total amount of funds allotted to Faculty Life and Development per the CBA.  Each year, 20% of the total allotted funds for faculty development will be targeted for travel.  If possible, half of the funds allotted for travel will be designated for the fall semester, and half for the spring semester.  The spring semester process for grant submission and funding is contingent upon funds remaining for faculty development after other processes have been completed.

Process: The faculty member requesting funds must submit a “Conference Presentation and Moderation” Dynamic Form. Requests will be reviewed by Faculty Life and Development once per semester.

*Availability of spring semester grants is pending and based upon the allocation of fall semester and full-year grants.

Each request must be accompanied by a flyer or brochure advertising the applicant’s name and role at the conference OR an acceptance letter that outlines the applicant’s conference activities. All requests will be considered in the review; however, priority to certain applications will be given based on the following criteria:

  • Priority is given to first-time applicants for funding for the current academic year
  • Requests for international travel require the approval for leave from campus by the Provost.

Additional Comments and Guidelines

The maximum amount awarded by the Faculty Life and Development Committee is $800 per conference. Faculty who expect to seek support for conference presentation or moderation are encouraged to let their Program Directors and Deans know as early in the year as possible of their intentions so that academic administrators can be as accommodating as possible to faculty travel plans.

Travel arrangements should always be made with consideration to cost containment, particularly in the area of Saturday night stay-over, reduced rate hotel accommodations, and meal costs (See Travel Policies and Procedures lesley.edu/travel-policy).  Lesley's travel agency, Egencia, should be used when possible to book air travel as well as lodging, not to exceed the funding of a travel grant.  Egencia will directly bill Lesley University and the cost of the travel will be applied to your award funding.  To establish a Lesley account with Egencia contact procurement@lesley.edu.

To have travel expenses reimbursed, all original receipts must be submitted with a completed expense voucher form within 30 days of the end of the trip; if your trip ends in June please submit receipts immediately upon your return.  Travel reimbursements are processed after travel is complete.  Use an Expense Voucher form to provide details, attach original receipts per the University Travel Policy, and send to Susan Foley c/o eLIS Department.