Sabbatical Leaves
For more information, examples, timeline and application template, please refer to the Faculty Development Community in Blackboard or use the link to access the Sabbatical Application for academic year 2020-2021 (Dynamic Form) on the Provost's web page Although management faculty are not covered by the CBA, all information relevant to sabbatical leaves is equally applicable.
A Sabbatical is a substantial period of time and it is important that the scope of the project be appropriate for the amount of time requested for its completion. Sabbaticals are intended to provide opportunities for individual faculty development and renewal, which may take many forms, including but not limited to:
- projects of intellectual renewal, which will foster professional development
- training or branching out into new areas of teaching or research
- or improving technical skills through focused study
Length and Rates
The University may in its discretion grant either full-year or half-year Sabbaticals to eligible Core Faculty members.
9-Month Contracts. A Sabbatical for faculty with nine (9)-month contract periods will be for either one (1) semester at the faculty member’s nine (9)-month base salary or two (2) consecutive semesters within the same academic year at one-half (1/2) the faculty member’s nine (9)-month base salary.
10-Month Contracts. A Sabbatical for faculty with ten (10)-month contract periods will be for either five (5) months at the faculty member’s ten (10)-month base salary or ten (10) months within the same fiscal year at one-half (1/2) the faculty member’s ten (10)-month base salary.
12-Month Contracts. A Sabbatical for faculty with twelve (12)-month contract periods will be for either six (6) months at the faculty member’s annual salary or twelve (12) months within the same fiscal year at one-half (1/2) the faculty member’s annual salary.
9-Month Contracts. For faculty on nine (9)-month contract periods, the fall Sabbatical begins on the first day of the nine (9)-month contract period and ends on January 14, and the spring Sabbatical begins on January 15 and ends on the last day of the nine (9)-month contract period.
Longer Contracts. The starting and ending date of any Sabbatical for faculty with ten (10) or twelve (12)-month contract periods will be agreed upon between the faculty member and their Dean.
Unit Releases
Effective with Sabbaticals beginning on or after July 1, 2021, nine (9)-month and ten (10)-month faculty will receive a reduction of three (3) workload units from their annual workload requirements and twelve (12)-month faculty will receive a reduction of four (4) workload units.
Prohibited Activity
Since the Sabbatical provides substantial release from institutional responsibilities for the purpose of individual study and research, a Core Faculty member granted a Sabbatical may not assume any instructional or non- instructional responsibilities from the University during the Sabbatical, except in unusual circumstances and with the prior written approval of the Provost.