2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook


Within each year of a multi-year faculty appointment described in the Contracts and Promotions policy, each management faculty member will be assigned a nine-month (39-week) contract, a ten-month contract, or a twelve-month contract as set forth below. The work of a management faculty member consists of instruction, non-instructional duties (including the management assignment), service, and scholarship, as described below and in the Contracts and Promotions policy. A management faculty member’s primary employment commitment is to the University. No management faculty member shall accept a position of employment or perform any service which would interfere or conflict with the obligations of a management faculty member to the University, without the prior written consent of the Provost.

Section 1. Nine-Month and Ten-Month Contracts.

  1. In fiscal year 2019, nine-month management faculty member assignments will consist of a contract period of 39 weeks from August 30, 2018 through May 29, 2019 (the “contract period”).
  2. During the 39-week contract period, management faculty members are required to complete seven (7) workload units. Each management faculty member is normally expected to teach a minimum of two (2) courses each year.
  3. In addition to subsections (a) and (b) above, management faculty members on ten-month contracts are required to complete an additional 20 days of work during the 13-week summer period.
  4. Management faculty members are required to engage in service and scholarship activity in addition to the seven-unit workload.
  5. Part-time management faculty members’ workload expectations will be pro-rated.
  6. Consistent with program, school, and University needs, and subject to the Dean’s approval, management faculty on 39-week contract periods may choose to spread their teaching course load across the entire calendar year, meaning that a course or two can be taught “on load” during the subsequent 13 weeks (summer) beyond the normal contract period of 39 weeks. However, management faculty will not be required to spread their course load into the summer.
  7. Management faculty may not carry more than two “overload” units (whether instructional or other) in each semester. The Dean in his/her discretion may approve more than two overload units per semester.
  8. During the 39-week contract period (and additional 20 days for ten-month faculty), management faculty members are expected to attend school/college meetings and department/division meetings, and to participate in a number of University events such as Convocation, Commencement, student recruiting activities, student retention activities, and faculty development days.
  9. During the 13-week off-contract period, management faculty on nine- and ten- month contracts are required to communicate by email, phone, or video conference, without additional compensation, to:
    1. Promptly respond to reasonable work-related communications from the University (which requires active monitoring of their lesley.edu email accounts);
    2. Be reasonably available to promptly respond to and be involved in the grade grievance procedure, academic review process, or other inquiries or investigations related to students, faculty, or staff; and
    3. Promptly respond to or forward to their Dean any communication from students, including without limitation student requests for leaves of absence and reports of misconduct.

The University expects that the instances described in sections (ii) and (iii) above will be unusual and limited to time-sensitive matters.

Section 2. Summer Contracts: Instructional and Non-Instructional Work.

  1. At the discretion of the University, some management faculty may be offered contracts to engage in non-instructional work or instructional work during the 13-week summer period. Such management faculty members may decline such offers beyond the management assignment without any adverse consequences.
  2. Each summer contract will include dates of service, FTE basis, salary, and description of responsibilities.
  3. The number of work weeks assigned to a management faculty member during the summer can vary between zero weeks and 13 weeks for each year of a management faculty member’s appointment, subject to the mutual agreement of the management faculty member and the University.

Section 3. Twelve-Month Contracts

  1. At the discretion of the University, some management faculty may be appointed to twelve-month contract periods in one or more years of a multi-year faculty appointment.
  2. A twelve-month contract period may be granted to a management faculty member who normally performs seven workload units during the 39-week contract period and who is also normally assigned two workload units in a “year-round program” during the 13-week summer period. During the twelve-month term, management faculty members are required to complete nine (9) workload units. Each management faculty member on a twelve-month contract period is normally expected to teach a minimum of two (2) courses each year.
  3. A “year-round program” is a degree program that is designed to enroll and does in fact enroll students in twelve months of consecutive courses (six consecutive terms or three consecutive semesters). The Provost determines which degree programs are “year-round programs” and which management faculty may be awarded a twelve-month contract on this basis.
  4. The Provost may also determine that certain management faculty may be awarded twelve-month contracts to teach or provide program support in programs that have robust student enrollment during the 13-week summer period.
  5. A management faculty member on a twelve-month contract is expected to engage in teaching, service, and scholarship during the summer period in the same way as all management faculty during the 39-week contract period.
  6. The University may alter a management faculty member’s length of contract period (i.e. nine, ten, or twelve months) due to changes in programmatic needs (e.g., the program is no longer ‘year round’), for financial reasons, or if the faculty member’s management assignment is terminated, provided one year notice of the change is given. If a management faculty member’s management assignment is terminated and the management faculty member has a twelve-month contract period, the management faculty member will complete nine workload units during that final year of a twelve-month contract period. The University may also alter the length of contract period when reappointing a management faculty member to a new two, three, five, or eight-year faculty appointment by rank. If a management faculty member with a twelve-month appointment leaves the University for any reason, the University is free in its discretion to appoint any replacement to a nine-month contract period instead of a twelve-month contract period.
  7. Management faculty may not carry more than two “overload” units (whether instructional or other) in each semester. The Dean in his/her discretion may approve more than two overload units per semester.
  8. Management faculty members on twelve-month contracts are expected throughout the year to attend school/college meetings and department/division meetings, and to participate in a number of University events such as Convocation, Commencement, student recruiting activities, student retention activities, faculty development days.

Section 4. Description of Units.

  1. Instructional Units.
    1. Teaching units involve direct faculty to student instruction for which students earn credit. Instructional units include course instruction, Ph.D. student advising (four students equal one instructional unit), thesis advising, and fieldwork supervision. Instructional units do not include independent study supervision. Management faculty are expected to clearly notify students of their availability to meet or correspond in person, by phone or video conference, or by email, and will promptly and reasonably respond to all student inquiries and correspondence.
    2. A three-credit, semester-long course equals one workload unit (excluding LUCAD studio courses, independent studies and excluding individual field placement and practicum supervision assignments). Therefore, a one-credit course equals one-third (.33) of a workload unit, a two-credit course equals two-thirds (.67) of a unit, and a four-credit course equals one and one-thirds (1.33) units. A LUCAD 6 contact-hour studio course equals one and one-half (1.5) units. A four-credit science lab equals one and one-half (1.5) units. The Provost may determine variations on this formula or equivalent units.
    3. The Provost will review workload unit equivalencies of the MFA Visual Arts Low-Residency Program and the MFA Creative Writing Low-Residency Program.
    4. Field placement supervision assignments and practicum supervision assignments equal one workload unit or portion thereof, as determined by the Provost in consultation with program directors and program faculty, and subject to accreditation and regulatory requirements.
    5. Independent study supervision is not allocated to workload unit calculations and is compensated separately. Management faculty members are not required to teach independent studies.
    6. Academic advising of undergraduate and master’s degree students is an integral part of the academic experience of students, and a normal extension of faculty teaching. Therefore, the normal advising load does not constitute a separate workload unit. Academic advising varies by program and level of study, and includes degree planning and career planning. In the normal course, each management faculty member will have college and program specific numbers. An advising load beyond this normal volume may be compensated with the approval of the Provost.
    7. The review and revision of courses is a normal part of the instructional practice. Internal program review, in addition to course review and revision, is also considered a normal part of teaching duties and is not a workload unit.
  2. Threshold Program. Workload assignments for management faculty in the Threshold Program will consist of instructional and non-instructional assignments determined by the Director of Threshold to achieve a reasonable hourly equivalent total per semester comparable to other management faculty as described above.
  3. Release Time for Faculty Development and Scholarship. For any release of workload units for purposes related to faculty development and scholarship, see the Faculty Development and Scholarship section.
  4. Management Assignment. Management faculty will be released from workload units for purposes of their management assignment. The number of release units will be determined by the Dean, in consultation with the Provost.