2020-2021 Graduate Academic Catalog

Graduate School of Education Mission Statement


The Graduate School of Education at Lesley University prepares and supports educators who effectively facilitate learning for every student. We believe learning is a collective endeavor that involves students, educators, families, and communities and thrives in rich, flexible, creative environments. Our faculty and students are committed to developing and implementing innovative pedagogical and technological practices that foster such learning.


The Graduate School of Education envisions a world in which educators, schools, families, and communities meet the intellectual, creative, emotional, and physical needs of all learners.

Core Values: Enduring Values that Guide our Practice


The fundamental purpose of education in a democratic society is to provide opportunities for all to participate fully in the cultural, political, and economic life of the nation and the world.


We honor, value, and respect all students and their communities for their unique backgrounds and capacities. As educators, our purpose is to enable all students to flourish.


Learning is most meaningful when students move beyond their school settings and actively participate along with other adults in their local communities. Likewise, students need to develop the skills to actively participate in creating a safe and supportive school community.


Facilitated inquiry is a crucial element of the learning process. Students need to construct knowledge and negotiate ideas with other students and adults. Teachers thus must be fluent in both pedagogy and content knowledge so they can craft developmentally appropriate curricula that actively engage all students in acquiring deep understanding and skills.


As life-long learners who deeply value our profession, we strive constantly to improve our practice. We cultivate this pursuit of excellence and creativity in our educator-students, and we inspire them to cultivate this pursuit in their students.


We expect educators to make a difference by taking an active role in the lives of their students, promoting effective collaboration and innovation in their schools, and empowering themselves and their students to improve their own lives and communities.

Accepted April 4, 2007