2024-2025 Graduate Academic Catalog

Academic Program and Review Policy for Graduate Students

The faculty of Lesley University is dedicated to providing students a high-quality educational experience designed to meet students’ academic, personal, and professional goals. In turn, the university expects students to maintain the academic and professional standards established for its programs of study. These standards apply to all aspects of graduate study—whether on-campus, off-campus, or online—and including courses, internships, practica, and research-related activities.

Failure to meet these standards may result from, but not be limited to, such deficiencies as: more than three (3) credits of “C+” or below or “F” in pass/fail courses; six (6) credits of incomplete (INC); poor performance in theses, integrative projects, practica, or internships; or specific deficiencies in areas deemed essential to the student’s preparation. For students in undergraduate programs, two or more grades of incomplete, or “C-” or below, will result in a review of the student’s academic standing.

Each school reserves the right to suspend or dismiss at any time any student who, in the opinion of school officials, does not achieve and maintain required academic or professional standards. In case of dismissal, students remain responsible for any outstanding financial obligation to the university for tuition or other indebtedness.

Academic Notification

If a student is not meeting program academic or professional standards, then the department in which the student is matriculated may initiate an academic review process. The following describes the academic review process:

Level I: Academic Review Committee

An academic review committee meets with the student (in person or via teleconference) and may include a faculty member, the student’s academic advisor, and the department chair or program director. The committee will review the student’s progress in the program and the areas of concern. After careful review, the committee will make recommendations to address these concerns. The recommendations will be forwarded to the relevant vice provost or their designee, who will inform the student in writing within ten (10) working day, excluding days that Lesley University is closed. The committee may recommend probation with specific conditions or dismissal. (The vice provost or designee will contact the senior associate registrar to request a “hold” on the student’s registration, should it be recommended by the review committee.)

Level II: Decision by the Vice Provost

If the student disagrees with the recommendations and believes that there is additional information that was not available to the committee and therefore not considered by the committee, they may submit this information in writing to the Vice Provost within ten (10) working days, excluding days that Lesley University is closed, of receipt of the recommendations. The vice provost will review the recommendations of the committee and all documentation considered by the committee. The vice provost will notify the student and the committee of their decision within ten (10) working days, excluding days that Lesley University is closed.

Level III: Appeal to the Provost

A student may appeal the decision of the vice provost if they disagree with the decision and if the student can demonstrate the availability of new information or evidence that is potentially significant and was not available during the investigation. Student appeals must be submitted in writing to the provost within ten (10) working days of receipt of the decision of the vice provost. In consideration of the appeal, the provost will review all documentation and, as deemed necessary by the provost, consult with the student, appropriate faculty, and administrators. The provost will render a decision within ten (10) working days, excluding holidays and Lesley University vacation days. The decision of the provost is final within Lesley University and there is no further appeal available.

Meeting the Conditions of Probation

When the student has met the specified conditions outlined in the vice provost’s letter, the department will notify the vice provost to lift probation status. If the student does not meet the conditions within the specified time frame, the department may recommend another review or dismissal.

Grade Requirements for Graduating Students

For graduate degree students at the master’s, certificate of graduate study, or Ph.D. levels, a grade of “B-” or better in all core or required courses must be received in order to count toward degree requirements. A student must re-take core or required courses for which a grade of “C+” or below was earned.

Graduate students may earn a maximum of three (3) credits of “C+” grades in elective courses and have these credits apply toward degree requirements. A grade of “C” or below in elective courses is considered a failing grade and will not be applicable toward degree requirements. Elective courses may be repeated or another elective course may be added as a substitute. All grades will be recorded on a student’s transcript.

If a required course is failed, the course must be repeated or an equivalent course taken. No credit is accrued with a grade of "F". If a student repeats the same course, both grades will be recorded on the official transcript, but only the second grade will be used to compute the cumulative GPA.

If a student repeats a course in which a grade other than an "F" was received, both grades will be recorded on the student's permanent academic transcript, but only the most recent (not necessarily the highest) grade will be used to compute the student's GPA.

Note: Yellow Ribbon, GI Bill®, or other students receiving veteran's benefits are not necessarily eligible to repeat courses that were previously passed. These students should check with the University's VA Certifying Official before electing to repeat a course.

To be eligible for a Ph.D., certificate of graduate study, or master’s degree, a student must satisfactorily complete all requirements of the specific degree program with a minimum average of 3.0 quality points (based on a 4.0 scale). Only courses numbered 5000 or above are accepted toward graduate degree programs. Students enrolled in graduate programs must complete their degree requirements within seven (7) years from the year of the first course that was taken as either a degree or non-degree student at Lesley University or another regionally-accredited institution. Courses completed more than seven (7) years from the anticipated date of graduation will not be accepted. The Ph.D. programs have specific requirements pertaining to courses taken at other regionally-accredited institutions. These are detailed in the Transfer of Credits section of this catalog.

Students should contact their faculty advisor if they have questions about their degree requirements.