2024-2025 Graduate Academic Catalog

Reinstatement Policy for Graduate Students

Returning to Lesley following a Leave of Absence (LOA):

If a student takes an official LOA and returns during the time specified in the LOA documentation, the student needs only to register for classes within the normal registration window after consultation with their Academic Advisor, before registering. Students may also request an official extension of their LOA through their advising office. Extensions of a leave of absence may be granted on a semester-by-semester or term-by-term basis, allowing for a maximum duration of up to two academic years, but not exceeding this limit. Students who do not file a formal extension request, or do not re-enroll at the end of their approved leave of absence, will no longer be considered matriculated and their program status will be made inactive. 

Students who wish to return after their LOA period has expired, will need to be reinstated per below sections associated with withdrawals.

Reinstatement for students in good academic standing following a Withdrawal:

A student who left Lesley in good academic standing should submit to their advising office a request for reinstatement/reenrollment in which they:

(a) summarize what they have been doing since leaving Lesley;

(b) provide transcripts for course work, if any, completed during the interim period, in accordance with the transfer of credit policy;

(c) discuss why they wish to be reinstated.

The Director of Academic Advising, Department Chair or Assistant Program Director may reinstate such students without approval of the Vice Provost. However, if there are concerns about the application, the Vice Provost will make the final decision on reinstatement.

Students who are returning to complete degree requirements after a period of absence from Lesley must be registered at Lesley for at least 1 credit during the semester preceding degree conferral.

Reinstatement after Academic Probation or Dismissal:

Academic Probation: Academic Review Policy

A student who left Lesley on academic probation due to failure to meet minimum academic standards for their enrolled program should submit to their Vice Provost's office a request for reinstatement in which they:

(a) summarize what they have been doing since leaving Lesley;

(b) provide transcripts for course work, if any, completed during the interim period, in accordance with the transfer of credit policy;

(c) discuss why they wish to be reinstated and how they have met specified conditions outlined in the Academic Review letter from the Vice Provost;

(d) explain their strategies for achieving academic success at Lesley.

The Associate Provost will review the request in consultation with the Program Director or Department Chairs and send a recommendation to the Vice Provost. The Vice Provost will make the final decision on reinstatement.

Academic Dismissal: Academic Review Policy

Academic dismissal occurs after a student fails to meet the conditions of an academic probation or violates other policies of the academic area or program. Normally, after one semester following academic dismissal, students may apply for reinstatement to Lesley. To apply for reinstatement, a student who was academically dismissed must submit to the Vice Provost's office a request for reinstatement in which they:

a) summarize the issues that led to their academic dismissal;

b) outline what they have done since their dismissal to address these issues (and provide a transcript for any courses that they have taken elsewhere during this interim period, in accordance with the transfer of credit policy);

c) discuss why they wish to be reinstated including how they have met specified conditions outlined in the Academic Dismissal letter;

d) provide evidence to support their position that they are successfully addressing these issues; and

e) explain what they would do differently this time to be academically successful.

f) provide additional documentation regarding conditions for reinstatement included in the dismissal documentation.

The Associate Provost will review the request in consultation with the Program Director or Department Chair and send a recommendation to the Vice Provost. The Vice Provost will make the final decision on reinstatement following dismissal.

To ensure consideration, students must submit requests for reinstatement by the dates listed below:

Fall Semester

August 15

Fall 1 Term

August 15

Fall 2 Term

October 1

Spring Semester

January 2

Spring 1 Term

January 2

Spring 2 Term

March 1

Summer, Summer 1 & 2 Terms

May 1




(Replaced Reinstatement Appeal Process. Created and approved by Associate Deans April 2022.)