2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Academic Probation

Students are placed on Academic Probation if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 (Liberal Arts & Business, Mental Health & Well-Being and Education) or 2.3 (Art and Design) and 2.0 for first-year students (Art and Design). Students in Art and Design will be placed on probation if they are placed on academic alert for two consecutive semester. If, while on Academic Probation, a student earns a semester GPA of 2.0 or greater but still has a cumulative GPA below a 2.0, they will remain on Academic Probation.

The Academic Review Committee may place a student on academic probation if the student has not completed 75% of courses attempted, not met the internships/student teaching requirement of the major, or been placed under Departmental Review.

Each academic area will notify the student by email of the Academic Review Committee's decision recommendation to place the student on academic probation. The student may respond to this recommendation by providing potentially significant information or evidence that was not available to, or considered by, the Academic Review committee. The student has five (5) business days from the date of the email notification to file a statement with the Vice Provost's office. The Vice Provost will review the recommendation of the Academic Review committee and all documentation both considered by the committee and provided by the student. The Vice Provost will make the final decision on academic probation and will notify the student and the Academic Review committee of the decision.  The Vice Provost's decision is final and may not be appealed.

Academic Support While on Alert or Probation

All students on Academic Probation are strongly encouraged to consider adjusting their course loads to have 12 or fewer credits, and may be required to reduce their involvement in co-curricular activities until they have achieved satisfactory academic standards. Students should make appropriate use of the University's academic and personal support services, including the Academic Advising Center and the University's Center for Academic Achievement.

Students who are on academic probation will work with their academic advisor.