2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Restricted Programs of Study

The following programs of study have specific academic and professional standards in addition to the College’s general standards. Copies of the relevant standards are available through the departments and are distributed to the students in the programs of study. 


Any junior or senior having less than a 3.0 cumulative grade point average, or who otherwise fails to meet the prerequisites, will not be accepted for the Senior Practicum. Likewise, students who do not pass all of their MTEL exams will not be accepted for the Senior Practicum, which is a required element of the Education majors. Effective Fall 2022, all students seeking MA licensure must take and pass the Communications & Literacy exam, and take (but not necessarily pass) all other required MTEL exams prior to registering for the Senior Practicum.

The Department’s Review Committee may determine that a student who fails to meet academic and professional standards of the major will not be allowed to continue in the major. A student may appeal the decision within five working days of receiving notification if they disagree with the decision and if they can demonstrate the availability of new information or evidence that is potentially significant and was not available to the committee and therefore not considered by the committee. The Vice Provost will review the decision of the committee and all documentation considered by the committee. The Vice Provost will notify the student and the committee of their decision within five working days. The decision of the Vice Provost is final. Copies of the appeal process are also available from the Vice Provost of the academic area.

Art Therapy, Counseling, Expressive Arts Therapy, Holistic Psychology, Psychology and Human Services

All courses with benchmark grades that are not met must be repeated.

The Department’s Review Committee may determine that a student who fails to meet academic and professional standards of the major will not be allowed to continue in that major. The Academic Notification informs the student of the Department Review Committee’s concerns and may, if appropriate, include a Remediation Plan. A student may appeal the decision within five working days of receiving notification if they disagree with the decision and if they can demonstrate the availability of new information or evidence that is potentially significant and was not available to the committee and therefore not considered by the committee. The Vice Provost will review the decision of the committee and all documentation considered by the committee. The Vice Provost will notify the student and the committee of her/his decision within five working days. The decision of the Vice Provost is final. Copies of the appeal process are also available from the Vice Provost of the academic area.


All business majors must achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all courses with prefixes CMGMT or CECON.  Courses with grades below C must be repeated.  Any exceptions must be approved by the Department Chair for the student to continue to the next course sequence.

A grade of "C" or better is required to move to the next internship course.

A cumulative grade point average of 2.3 or better in the major is required to meet the requirements of the major.

Within the General Education Requirements, Business majors are required to complete the following courses in the specified categories:

Social Science Breadth Requirement: CECON 2100 Fundamentals of Economics.  This course represents 3 of the 9 credits required in the Social Science category.

Math Requirement: CMGMT 1590 Quantitative Modeling in Business. CMGMT 1590 satisfies Quantitative Reasoning Foundations requirement. 

Social Work (BSW)

The Bachelor of Social Work program (BSW) requires students to have earned and maintain an overall minimum GPA of 2.3. Students must complete the following prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better to apply: CANTH 1101, CSOCL 1101 OR CSOCL 1404, and CSWRK 2101. Students may submit an application to the BSW program during the semester they will complete these perquisite courses. If a student is accepted to the program during this semester, it will be “pending” the successful of all prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better. Application to the BSW program requires students to submit an application form, an undergraduate transcript, and a resumé.  
Students will complete a two-semester field experience in their senior year. Students will be admitted to field if they do not have any pending “incomplete” grades, have completed all required BSW coursework and meet all previously stated admissions criteria. If students do not meet the admissions criteria, they will work with their social work faculty advisor to determine which criteria had not been met, and to develop a plan to resolve the criteria which had not been satisfied. The student and advisor will submit this plan to the BSW program director and field director who will approve or disapprove the plan. If approved, the student will have one semester to resolve the unmet criteria. If it is impossible for the student to raise their GPA to a 2.3 or to earn a “C” or greater in BSW core courses, the student will be advised to withdraw from the BSW program to ensure timely graduation. The completion of field is dependent on students earning a grade of “C” or better in the following courses: CSWRK 4702, CSWRK 4703, and CSWRK 4704.  
Questions about the BSW program should be sent to the BSW Program Director Flavia Stanley (fstanley@lesley.edu). Questions about the BSW program’s field experience should be sent to the BSW Field Director Megan Crowe-Rothstein (mcrorowe@lesley.edu). 

Individually Designed Major (Adult Learners)

Adult students with transfer or PLA credits may pursue approved individually designed majors. The individually designed major leads to a BAL in Liberal Studies with a concentration in the student’s area of interest. Students should be aware that for some disciplines, students will be required to meet the same documented professional standards as outlined by the department for the major.

Community College Partnership Programs

Community College Partnership Pathway degree completion programs are restricted to transfer students who have earned an associate's degree. .