2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

College of Art and Design

Pass (P): This grade applies only to courses that are offered on a Pass/Fail basis and to courses in which the student elects the Pass/Fail option. To earn the grade of “Pass” on the Pass/Fail option, a student must earn the equivalent letter grade of "C-" or better. A grade of "D" or less will be awarded a grade of “Fail.”

Incomplete  (I): Students who have successfully completed a majority of course requirements (as determined by instructor) but are unable to complete all requirements due to extenuating circumstances may request a temporary grade of “I” (incomplete). The course instructor will determine whether a student is eligible for an Incomplete. Incomplete grades are not guaranteed. (See the complete incomplete grade policy located within this handbook.)

Mid-term Grading: Faculty are required to post mid-term grades for students performing at levels of "C-" or lower at the midterm point. Faculty are also encouraged to post mid-term grades for all students. Mid-term grades are posted through the LOIS system in the same way final grades are posted. Mid-term grades are not reflected on transcripts but are simply tools to let students know immediate action is needed for academic success.

Students sign up for critique week in the middle of spring semester (at about the same time they sign up for fall classes). Participation in critique week is required (except as noted above, or for students who have taken less than 6 credits of studio courses), and students should be careful to note the schedule as published in the academic calendar.