2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

College of Art and Design Academic Review


Academic Progress: To be in good academic standing and to receive federal and state financial aid, students must be making satisfactory academic progress in their course of study. Progress is reviewed each semester by the Academic Affairs Office and the Financial Aid Office.

Qualitative Measurement: Students must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) for their first year (through 30 credits earned). By the end of the first semester of their second year, they must have a minimum of a 2.3 GPA and maintain that minimum level through graduation.

Quantitative Measurement: Students must also make minimum progress toward their educational objectives each semester they are enrolled. The University determines this based on the number of credits attempted and the number of credits completed or earned. Any ’I’ (incomplete), ’W’ (withdrawal), or ’F’ (failure) is not a completion. Specifically, full-time students must complete 75% of their total credit hours attempted. For example, students attempting 18 credit hours must complete at least 13.5 credit hours to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Degree Completion: Full-time students have 6 years to complete degree programs. Part-time students must take 6 credits per semester and complete their programs in no more than 10 years. Part-time students who are degree candidates must earn a minimum of 12 credits per year to maintain good academic standing (fall, winter, spring and summer terms). They are held to the same academic progress policies as full-time students in order to be in good standing.

Academic Level: Students must accumulate a minimum of 30 credits prior to entrance to the second year; 60 prior to entrance to the third year; and 90 credits prior to entrance to the senior year.


The following actions will take place if students do not maintain satisfactory progress:

Academic Alert: An academic alert is issued to students who do not fulfill the semester or cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirement for satisfactory progress at the close of a given semester or do not meet the requirement for percentage of credits successfully completed. Students who do not meet the standards detailed above in any given semester will be placed on Academic Alert and will receive a notice by mail outlining the academic policies. Students who are improving, but whose cumulative grade point average in the second or subsequent semesters remains below the standard for satisfactory progress, will remain on Alert status until the average indicates satisfactory progress.

Academic Probation: Students are placed on Academic Probation if they do not fulfill the semester or cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirement for satisfactory progress at the close of a given semester or do not meet the requirement for percentage credits successfully completed for a second semester in a row. A student who was on Academic Alert who improves their semester GPA to an acceptable standard of progress, but whose cumulative GPA remains below the standard will remain on Academic Alert until their cumulative GPA reaches an acceptable standard. Similarly, a student who is on Probation, and improves their semester GPA to an acceptable standard or progress, but whose cumulative GPA remains below the standard will remain on Probation until their cumulative GPA reaches an acceptable standard.

Dismissal: Students who do not fulfill the semester or cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirement for satisfactory progress at the close of a given semester or do not meet the requirement for percentage of credits successfully completed for a third semester in a row will be dismissed from the University. They will receive a notice of dismissal by registered mail, with a letter outlining the academic policies and procedures for possible reinstatement. Note: in addition to the standards of academic progress listed above, first-semester students who earn a semester grade point average (GPA) below 1.0 are subject to immediate suspension or dismissal.

Appealing an Academic Action: If a student placed on Academic Alert, Probation, or Dismissal has had extenuating external circumstances such as illness or serious family emergency that adversely affected her/his ability to successfully perform academically, s/he may submit a petition to the College of Art and Design Academic Policies Committee in order to request a change in status of that action. The Policies Committee meets at the beginning of each semester, so in order for a successful appeal to take effect in an upcoming semester it must be submitted by August 15 for the fall semester, or by January 2 for the spring semester. The appeal letter should be a formal communication addressed to the Academic Policies Committee, should contain a complete explanation of the extenuating circumstances, and be accompanied by any helpful evidence (such as a doctor note or other independent verification of circumstances).

Appeals for Reinstatement after Dismissal: A student placed on Academic Dismissal may apply for reinstatement after a minimum of one semester away from the College of Art and Design (and more usually after a full year). Procedure and deadlines are similar to those outlined in the appeal process described above, with an emphasis on what circumstances have changed that will allow the student to make satisfactory academic progress. Procedures are detailed in the letter sent to the student when they are placed on Dismissal.

Academic Support While on Alert or Probation: Students on Academic Alert and Academic Probation should consider adjusting their course loads and limiting their involvement in extra-curricular activities until they have maintained satisfactory standards. Appropriate use of the College of Art and Design's academic and personal support services should be made, including its Academic Advising Office and the University’s Center for Academic Achievement

Students may raise their GPA and qualify for removal from Alert or Probation in several ways:

  • By satisfactorily repeating failed courses at the College of Art and Design which automatically raises a GPA.
  • By satisfactorily completing other courses taken at the College of Art and Design during regular or summer semesters.
  • By completing work and receiving satisfactory grades in courses that have been graded incomplete.