2020-2021 Core Faculty Handbook

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Pass (P): This grade applies only to courses that are offered on a Pass/Fail basis and to courses in which the student elects the Pass/Fail option. To earn the grade of “Pass” on the Pass/Fail option, a student must earn the equivalent letter grade of “C-“ or better. A grade of “D” or less will be awarded a grade of “Fail.”

Incomplete (I): Students who have successfully completed a majority of course requirements (as determined by instructor) but are unable to complete all requirements due to extenuating circumstances may request a temporary grade of “I” (incomplete). The course instructor will determine whether a student is eligible for an Incomplete. Incomplete grades are not guaranteed. (See the complete incomplete grade policy located within this handbook.)

Mid-Semester Evaluations: CLAS: Mid-semester evaluation forms are recommended for all students and are required for students with a grade-to-date of "C-" or below by the 7th week of classes. Faculty members submit mid-semester evaluations electronically via Advisor Trac to notify students of poor progress in their course(s).

The mid-semester evaluations do not appear on the student's permanent academic record. Copies of the report are automatically sent electronically to the students and their advisors.

Minimum Grades: If a student fails to earn a passing grade in a course with the designated minimal grade level as part of the course requirement, the course must be retaken. In addition, the student may not use the course to satisfy another course requirement as part of the program of study.

Required Examinations: Midterm and final examinations or other evaluation activities are required in most courses. Absences from examinations are excused only in cases of severe illness, death in the immediate family, or occasions of equal exigency. Make-up exams or work are granted at the discretion of the individual faculty member.