2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Field Experiences and Practicum

Lesley University offers students the opportunity to gain field-based experience prior to their senior full-time student teaching. This component of the Education program is an essential way to integrate coursework and application. As part of the first-year course, CEDUC 1352 Teaching, Learning, and Social Responsibility, students interested in becoming teachers in Pre-K through 12 are placed in classroom settings with a Supervising Practitioner one day each week, for approximately 10 weeks. A similar early field experience is an integral part of CEDUC 2351 Early Childhood Education, CEDUC 2352 Elementary Education, CEDUC 2360 Middle School Education, and CEDUC 3451 High School Education with students participating in field placements one day each week throughout the semester. Early Childhood Education majors complete CEDUC 3702 Junior Practicum & Seminar in ECE in their third year, which includes a two-day/week practicum experience. Students who choose to complete an Education major without licensure or an Education minor register for CEDUC 3721 Field Experiences in Learning Environments, which affords students opportunities in educational settings such as classrooms, museums, libraries, government offices, and other teaching and learning environments. To secure these placements, the Undergraduate Field Placement Office team or Internship Office team works with students according to their goals and programs.

Education faculty and administrators enjoy a cooperative relationship with many school districts in Massachusetts. The superintendents, principals, directors, and experienced teachers in the metropolitan and suburban districts work collaboratively with Lesley. The following school districts reflect a sample