2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Creative Writing - Bachelor of Arts (36 Credits)

(36 credits plus 6 credits of experiential learning)

Focusing on the genres of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Writing for Children and Young Adults and Scriptwriting, the Creative Writing Major allows students to integrate theory and practice in a course of study that blends critical writing, creative writing, professional experience and emphasis on publication. Students work closely with faculty on strategies for composition and revision, while approaching the work of master writers through craft-based analysis. Intimate classroom settings foster a collaborative approach to learning via the interaction between peers and faculty where students and faculty push each other to achieve the best and most honest work possible.

Lesley offers a course in Magazine Production that yields our Literary Arts Magazine, Commonthought. Students have the chance to participate in all aspects of the publication process from submission to editing to layout to final publication. Students also have access to a variety of professional internships in a wide range of settings, including literary arts magazines, arts organizations, and publishers, which offer opportunities to explore careers in writing in the greater Boston area.

Outcomes of the Creative Writing Major:

  • Students will study and analyze accomplished works of literature from multiple identities and cultures.
  • Students will read and write in multiple genres through art and craft courses at the introductory and advanced levels.
  • Students will engage in critical, collaborative workshops and learn to apply feedback in order to draft and revise their work.
  • Students will practice and gain confidence in sharing their work in both classroom and public settings.
  • Students will gain and apply experience in various creative and professional settings.

Degree Requirements

Required Core (9 Credits):

CCRWT 1400Introduction to Creative Writing


CLITR 2400Power and Identity: Literature in English


CCRWT 2430Magazine Production


Advanced Seminar (6 credits)

Complete CCRWT 4900: Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing twice for a total of six credits.
CCRWT 4900Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing


CCRWT 4900Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing


Support Courses (9 Credits):

Choose CLITR or CHUMS courses at the 3000-Level and above, with at least 3 credits focusing on your genre of study.

Creative Writing Craft and Reflection (12 Credits):

Choose TWELVE credits from the following, of which THREE must be 3000 level or higher and SIX must be in the study of your chosen genre. 

CCRWT 2000Art and Craft of Creative Non-Fiction


CCRWT 2070The Art and Craft of Screenwriting


CCRWT 2100Art & Craft of Comedy Writing


CCRWT 2400Art and Craft of Writing Children's and Young Adult Literature


CCRWT 2800Art and Craft of Poetry and Fiction


CCRWT 3001Advanced Scriptwriting


CCRWT 3300Autobiographical Writing


CCRWT 3400Genre Fiction Seminar


CCRWT 3800Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction


CCRWT 4349Senior Thesis in Creative Writing


Creative Writing majors must declare one primary genre by the end of second semester sophomore year. In consultation with faculty advisor and/or a Creative Writing faculty mentor, genre choice may be determined according to number of courses taken in a genre and/or academic or career goals. Creative Writing majors write a capstone work in their chosen genre in the Creative Writing Senior Seminar. Students must complete the advanced, 3000-level course in their chosen genre prior to enrolling in the Senior Seminar.

Professional / Experiential Component (6 Credits):

If the student declares an Education Major or Minor, the internship requirement is satisfied with student teaching in the Major or Minor.

If the student declares any other double major, the internship requirement must be satisfied in the major with the greater number of credits in its experiential component. If they're the same, the student may choose one. Every effort will be made to have one of the internships encompass the objectives of the other major.

Students may choose to do an additional internship in their other major.

CINTD 3100Interdisciplinary Internship & Seminar


CINTD 4100Interdisciplinary Internship & Seminar II


World Language Competency

Competencies in world language for the Creative Writing Major are fulfilled by:

  1. Completing two semesters of American Sign Language, Portuguese, or Spanish at the university level.

  2. Successfully finishing two semesters of a non-English world language at an accredited higher education institution or approved year-abroad program.

  3. Students arriving at Lesley with the proficiency to enroll in American Sign Language II, Spanish II, or Portuguese II, and successfully completing the course, also satisfy the world language competency requirement.

  4. Students who have achieved proficiency equal to two full semesters of college language instruction before joining Lesley have several options to meet this requirement:

    • Before entering Lesley, students may take an AP language exam or CLEP exam and satisfy the language requirement if they score a grade of four or higher (AP) or 50 or above (CLEP).

    • Upon enrollment, students seeking to demonstrate language competency should consult the Department Chair.

    • Students can opt to take a competency exam in any of the languages offered at Lesley. A grade of B or higher on this test will waive the language requirement, while a grade ranging from C to B- will place the student at the second-semester level.

    • For languages not offered at Lesley, students must take the CLEP or an equivalent exam as approved by the Department Chair.